Electronic vapes and cigars have gained wide global attention since they were first introduced on the U.S. market almost a decade ago. Unlike traditional combustible cigarettes, e cigs convert a liquid solution (e juice) vapor that users can inhale. Inhaling an e vape cigar gives instant results as the substance goes directly into your bloodstream and penetrates your lung tissues. Vaping is a trend that keeps making headlines in Canada’s recreational product industry. Amid concerns about their health consequences, consumers tout e cigarettes as must-have wellness essentials. This post will discuss some key facts you should know about e vape cigars.
4 Interesting Facts You Should Know about E Vape Cigars
Here are four exciting facts you should know about e vape cigars:Giving up smoking is a smart decision you can make now to improve your overall health. A whopping 70% of smokers say that they want to quit. Many consumers use electronic cigarettes to help them transition from smoking to quitting. This is because it’s believed that vaping is less harmful than smoking, although the question of whether the former habit is totally safe is still debatable. Conventional tobacco contains up to 7,000 chemicals, with many of them being labeled potentially toxic. Although the chemical content in electronic cigarettes is not yet fully understood, there is no doubt that using a cigar vape pen greatly reduces your risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals more than smoking regular cigarettes.
E cigar vapes are legal in Canada. However, the North American country has one of the strictest electronic cigarette laws on the planet. Underaged individuals are not allowed to use e-cigs. Moreover, consumers are advised to avoid using their vapes in public places. Many Canadian celebrities, artists, and other prominent figures have been linked with smoking e cigars. E vape cigars are thought to have several benefits such as relaxation, stress-relief, pain management, and mental alertness. Once you are above 18 years and can legally use electronic cigarettes in your area, you can order the best rechargeable electronic cigar from online retailers like ePuffer to experience the power of these substances.
Another exciting fact about e vape cigars is that they can be addictive as much as traditional alternatives. Both electronic cigarettes and regular tobacco contain nicotine, a well-known addictive substance. Avid vapers may even get higher doses of nicotine if they purchase extra strength cartridges with higher nicotine concentration. Increasing the voltage of the battery can also create a greater throat hit.
The increasing number of vapers among Canadian youth has been associated with rapid advancement in refillable e cigar technology and aggressive marketing campaigns by industry players. Vape pens, e-pipes, and vape mods are easy to use. They come with youth-friendly designs and irresistible flavors. Due to the substantial growth of vaping in recent times, many consumers struggle to find the best devices to satisfy their needs.
Regulatory bodies like the FDA have established guidelines for e-cigarettes and e-liquids, but not all manufacturers adhere to these rules. The best way to decrease your risks associated with e vape cigars is to order them from trusted sellers like ePUffer. This brand offers a range of disposable and rechargeable e-cigars that allow you to enjoy the ultimate vaping experience.