Aisha Rimi, recently appointed as CEO of the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) by President Bola Tinubu, faces scrutiny over alleged corruption. In 2018, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) launched an investigation after suspicious transactions involving over N3 billion from the Lagos State Government Number Plate Production Authority were traced to her firms, Rimi and Partners and Ekosina Investment Limited, of which she was the sole proprietor. Her husband, Folorunsho Coker, was the managing director of the Number Plate Authority at the time and was believed to be involved in the alleged diversion of government funds.
The EFCC froze ten Guaranty Trust Bank accounts linked to Rimi and her firms. These revelations raise questions about whether President Tinubu was aware of these charges before her appointment and whether the EFCC concluded its investigation in 2018. Both the EFCC and the presidency have yet to comment on these issues. This appointment further underscores concerns about individuals with alleged corruption issues obtaining high-ranking positions in the government.