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Nigerian State House spends N244 million on tires in one day, sparking controversy amid economic challenges. The government faces criticism for high expenditure while citizens struggle with inflation. Experts question spending priorities as the administration calls for sacrifices from the public.

According to Daily Trust, the Nigerian State House reportedly spent over N244 million on tires in a single day. This expenditure, occurring around the one-year mark of President Bola Tinubu's administration, has raised eyebrows amid the country's economic challenges.

The investigation, utilizing data from govspend, a portal tracking Presidential Villa expenses, revealed three separate payments made on May 21, 2024. These included N200,583,390 and N38,070,000 for bulletproof vehicle tires, and N6,000,960 for Westlake tires.

This spending comes at a time when Nigeria faces significant economic hardships, including high inflation rates. Minister of Budget and National Planning, Atiku Bagudu, recently apologized to Nigerians for the nationwide difficulties, asserting that government policies aim to restore macroeconomic stability.

Critics have accused the Tinubu administration of frivolous spending despite calls for citizens to make sacrifices. Dr. Abdulsalam Kani, an economist, pointed out unfulfilled promises and criticized plans for new presidential aircraft amid economic struggles.

The presidency has not responded to requests for comment on this expenditure. This situation highlights the ongoing debate about government spending priorities during a period of economic strain for many Nigerians.