Title: Atiku's Revelations from CSU Deposition: Tinubu's Certificate Controversy Unveiled
In a startling revelation during a world press conference, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar shed light on shocking discrepancies surrounding the certificate submitted by President Bola Tinubu to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). MissPearls, in a detailed summary of Atiku's findings from the Chicago State University (CSU) deposition, exposed various inconsistencies in Tinubu's educational and documentation history.
- Forged CSU Certificate: Atiku revealed that President Tinubu allegedly forged the CSU certificate submitted to INEC, raising questions about the authenticity of his academic credentials.
- Gender Discrepancy: Tinubu's Southwest College Certificate, used as a basis for applying to CSU, reportedly bears 'Female' as the gender, adding another layer of confusion to the saga.
- Fictitious Graduation Date: The CSU admission form provided by Atiku indicates that Tinubu claimed to have attended Govt College and graduated in 1970, even though the school was established in 1974.
- Identity Theft: Shockingly, the documents used for Tinubu's CSU application allegedly belong to a black American female, raising concerns about identity theft.
- Dual Citizenship Denial: Tinubu's INEC form denies having dual citizenship, suggesting that the admission letter cannot possibly belong to him, further deepening the mystery.
- Name Inconsistencies: Atiku's findings point out that the initial 'A' in Bola A Tinubu is 'Ahmed' on the CSU documents but appears as 'Adekunle' on the fake NYSC certificate he submitted.