Zinwe, the duo consisting of Zion and Chinwe, has been evicted from Big Brother Naija's 'No Loose Guard' season, marking the fifth pair to leave the show. With nine pairs remaining, the competition intensifies as housemates continue to battle for the grand prize following a tense nomination process.
The duo Zinwe, made up of Zion and Chinwe, was evicted from the Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ season, becoming the fifth pair to exit the show. Their departure leaves nine pairs still in the running for the grand prize.
The eviction came after a tense nomination process where five pairs were put up for possible eviction by their fellow housemates. The nominated pairs included Wanni X Handi, DoubleKay, Chekas, Zinwe, and Beta.
With the competition tightening, the remaining pairs continue to battle it out for the ultimate reward in the highly competitive reality show.