A devastating incident unfolds as 26-year-old Demi Agoglia, a mother of three from Salford, Greater Manchester, passes away just days after undergoing a Brazilian bum-lift operation in Turkey.
Returning to the clinic in Istanbul for a routine check-up, she reportedly suffered cardiac arrests, ultimately succumbing to heart attacks caused by a fat embolism. The family is left in shock, urging others to reconsider undergoing such procedures abroad.
Demi's brother, Carl, warns against the high risks associated with medical tourism, emphasizing the tragedy of her untimely death and leaving behind three young children. The Brazilian butt lift surgery, known for its potential complications, has the highest rate of death among aesthetic procedures, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
This heartbreaking incident highlights the concerns surrounding cosmetic surgeries abroad, with warnings from both medical experts and official advisories