In a heart-wrenching saga from Nibo, Anambra State, three sisters allegedly withhold their late brother's corpse from his wife and children for over five years. The family dispute unfolds amid accusations of property seizure, leaving legal intervention sought and social media abuzz with outrage over the distressing ordeal.
In a distressing tale from Nibo, Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State, three sisters have purportedly held onto the corpse of their late brother, Mr. Ernest, depriving his wife and children access for a staggering five years.
The sisters, who lead a prayer ministry, allegedly seized the deceased's property following his demise in 2019 due to complications from an accident. This tragic situation has left the widow and her children without closure or inheritance rights.
Social media reactions express shock and sympathy for the widow and children, with some users calling for legal intervention to resolve this distressing ordeal and ensure justice for the grieving family.
Others lament the breakdown of family bonds and the need for societal support systems to prevent such heart-wrenching scenarios.