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Deposed Kano Emir Aminu Ado Bayero calls for justice and adherence to the rule of law amid the emirship tussle, emphasizing that "nobody is above the law."
Amidst the turmoil surrounding the leadership of the influential Kano Emirate, the recently deposed Emir Aminu Ado Bayero has issued a resolute call for justice and adherence to the rule of law. Bayero's statement comes after a series of dramatic events that saw him ousted from his position as the 15th Emir of Kano, only to be replaced by the reinstated Muhammadu Sanusi, his predecessor.

The crisis erupted when the Kano State Assembly repealed the 2019 Emirate law that had initially led to Sanusi's removal in 2020. Swiftly acting on this legislative change, Governor Abba Yusuf reinstated Sanusi as the Emir while Bayero was on an official visit to Ogun State. Upon his return, Bayero took up residence in the Kano Emirate mini-palace in Nassarawa Local Government Area, where his supporters gathered to welcome him.

Tensions escalated further when Governor Yusuf ordered Bayero's arrest, citing concerns over potential unrest in the state. However, in a meeting with security agents, the deposed Emir struck a conciliatory tone, emphasizing the need for calm and adherence to the legal process.

"I call on the people to remain law-abiding while awaiting the outcome of the legal process in this tussle," Bayero said in Hausa. "We call on the authority to do justice in this matter. Kano is a very influential state in Nigeria. Whatever affects Kano affects Nigeria."

Bayero's remarks underscored the high stakes involved in the Emirate succession dispute, given Kano's significant cultural and political influence within Nigeria. He stressed the importance of upholding the rule of law, stating, "Justice is the way to go on every issue. There will be justice. Nobody is above the law. We will accept whatever the law says."

The deposed Emir's call for justice resonated with his supporters, who have voiced concerns over the rapid reinstatement of Sanusi and the potential erosion of traditional institutions. However, the state government has defended its actions, asserting its legal authority to appoint and remove Emirs. A spokesperson for Governor Yusuf stated, "The governor acted within his constitutional powers and by the laws of Kano State."

Traditional and religious leaders, as well as legal experts, have expressed mixed reactions to the unfolding crisis. Some have called for dialogue and a peaceful resolution, while others have criticized the state government's handling of the situation.

As the legal challenges continue to unfold, the eyes of Nigeria remain fixed on Kano, where the outcome of this dispute could have far-reaching implications for the balance of power between traditional institutions and state authorities.