In a devastating incident on Sunday, a 3-storey building along Odubanwo Street in the Ojokoro Local Council Development Area of Lagos fell victim to a cooking gas explosion, leaving a 4-year-old girl named Faridat Shittu and her grandparents in critical condition at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH).
The explosion, triggered while the grandmother was frying meat, resulted in a fierce fire that ultimately led to the eruption of the cooking gas. Faridat Shittu, who was asleep in her room at the time, along with her grandparents, bore the brunt of the explosion. The victims were rescued by community members after persistent efforts to douse the flames.
Uncle of the young girl also suffered burns in the incident, highlighting the severity of the explosion. The family is now undergoing treatment at LASUTH, with their conditions described as critical.
Ibrahim Farinloye, the Territorial Coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) in the South-West, confirmed the incident and revealed that the building, comprising 14 rooms and shops, was reduced to rubble, rendering approximately 11 families homeless.
Pa Femi Odubanwo Solomon, the landlord of the affected building, recounted the harrowing experience of being initially trapped and credited his neighbors for saving him from the disaster. Presently, the landlord finds refuge in a church opposite his now-destroyed house.
In another unfortunate incident on the same day, a separate outbreak of fire wreaked havoc in the Abule-Egba area of Lagos, destroying around 100 building materials shops, 18 iron/steel recycling shops, 19 diesel lister generators, and 34 different types of motorcycle machines. Additionally, the flames consumed five 14-seaters buses, three cars, and two trucks.
The Chairman of Ojokoro LCDA and his medical team extended assistance to the victims of both incidents, offering support to the affected families. As the community grapples with the aftermath of these tragic events, questions surrounding safety measures and emergency preparedness come to the forefront.