In Lagos, a sewer worker employed by LAMATA becomes trapped in an underground drainage system, sparking a large-scale rescue operation led by LASEMA. Despite concerted efforts involving multiple agencies, including the diversion of water flow, the worker remains trapped, emphasizing the dangers inherent in essential but hazardous occupations
In Lagos, a sewer worker from the Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) found himself trapped in an underground drainage system in the Onipanu area. The worker became ensnared while attempting to clear debris from the drainage tunnel.
Lagos Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) swiftly responded to a distress call, deploying officers from various agencies including LAMATA, Lagos Fire and Rescue Service, and Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA). Sophisticated equipment was utilized to aid the rescue mission, and measures were taken to divert water flow to reduce the risk.
Despite concerted efforts, rescue operations have thus far been unsuccessful, with ongoing efforts suspended temporarily and set to resume. The incident underscores the dangers faced by workers in essential but hazardous roles and highlights the collaborative emergency response efforts in Lagos State.