Nigerian musician Ruger's tweet directed at women sparked a flurry of reactions across social media platforms. In the now-deleted tweet, Ruger made a controversial statement regarding passengers on his boat to Ilashe, stating, "If you board my boat to Ilashe, your bikini must shift." This remark drew swift condemnation from many social media users, with some expressing concern over the message's implications and others outright condemning the tweet as disgusting and inappropriate.

One user expressed sympathy for Ruger, cautioning that such statements could be used against him in the future, particularly in the context of potential allegations of misconduct. Another criticized the perceived sexualization of women by celebrities, highlighting the need for women to be respected in all spaces, including work and leisure. Many users echoed these sentiments, denouncing Ruger's tweet as disrespectful and harmful.

However, not all reactions were critical. Some users defended Ruger, suggesting that his tweet was merely playful banter and that women often engage in similar behavior. Others argued that Ruger's tweet was indicative of a broader cultural issue surrounding the objectification of women and the normalization of disrespectful behavior.