The devastating New Year's Eve shooting by Winnipeg police has claimed the life of Afolabi Stephen Opaso, a 19-year-old Nigerian international student studying Economics at the University of Manitoba. The incident unfolded when police responded to reports of erratic behavior in an apartment suite on University Crescent.
Winnipeg Police Chief Danny Smyth revealed that during the encounter, Opaso, armed with two knives, became the focus of a use-of-force situation, resulting in fatal gunfire. Opaso's family, residing outside Winnipeg, is grappling with shock and trauma, questioning the circumstances leading to their son's tragic demise.
Lawyer Jean-René-Dominique Kwilu, assisting the family, emphasizes that witnesses describe the episode as a mental health crisis, urging scrutiny into how a call for assistance concluded with lethal consequences.
As the Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba delves into the incident, Opaso's family seeks answers regarding the handling of the situation by the police, raising concerns over the intersection of mental health calls and the use of force. The investigation prompts critical reflections on policing practices, especially in cases involving vulnerable individuals