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EFCC Chairman Ola Olukoyede warns that some youths unknowingly fund terrorism through cryptocurrency trading. His remarks ignite debate over the government's focus on youth involvement in terrorism financing.

The chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ola Olukoyede, has raised concerns about the involvement of some youths in funding terrorism through cryptocurrency trading.

Olukoyede highlighted that many youths involved in crypto trading may not be aware that their financiers are linked to terrorist activities. He emphasized the potential of virtual currency platforms to serve as channels for financing terrorism, citing recent discoveries made during EFCC investigations. Olukoyede disclosed that among the 1,146 bank accounts recently frozen by the agency, several were found to be conduits for terrorism funding.

This revelation has sparked reactions from Nigerians, with some expressing skepticism about the EFCC's focus on youth involvement in terrorism financing while others criticized the agency for allegedly ignoring corrupt practices among political elites.

Many also questioned the government's priorities, suggesting that efforts should be directed towards addressing systemic issues rather than targeting crypto traders. The chairman's remarks have stirred debate and raised concerns about the regulation of cryptocurrency trading in Nigeria.