The beloved African magic family TV show, "THE JOHNSONS," bids farewell after 13 memorable years. The show faced a significant shift following the passing of "Emu" Ada Ameh. May her soul rest in peace.
Nigerian singer Destiny Boy, 20, announced the birth of his first child with partner Iremide, sparking social media reactions. While many congratulated the young artist, others debated his age and readiness for fatherhood. The announcement has fueled lively discussions on young parenthood and...
Charly Boy, the Nigerian singer, reveals his traumatic experiences of childhood sexual abuse, sharing how he was raped by his nanny at age 10 and subsequently engaged in sexual activities by age 12. His story highlights the complexities of early trauma and its lasting effects.
Nigerian artist...
Doyin, a Big Brother Naija star, stirred controversy on her podcast by stating that her child's sexuality, whether gay or lesbian, would not matter to her. While some supported her open-minded approach, others criticized it, raising concerns about parental roles and the influence of social media...
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