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Debola Daniels shared his distressing encounter at KFC Nigeria, where he was reportedly denied entry due to his wheelchair. Williams took to X app to narrate his ordeal, prompting an outpouring of support and condemnation from fellow Nigerians.

Many expressed sympathy and outrage over the incident, with users questioning KFC's policy and expressing disbelief at the discriminatory treatment. Some users labeled the incident as discriminatory and unacceptable, urging KFC to address the issue and ensure equal treatment for all customers. Others offered words of comfort and solidarity to Williams, condemning the alleged discrimination and expressing solidarity with him.

Some questioned the company's customer service standards, while others labeled it as discrimination and a violation of basic human rights. The incident prompted calls for accountability and improvement from KFC Nigeria, with users urging the company to rectify the situation and ensure inclusivity for all customers. The overwhelming support and solidarity shown towards Williams underscored the importance of accessibility and equal treatment for individuals with disabilities in public spaces.