Amidst the ongoing Mohbad family DNA saga, Nigerian singer Naira Marley finds himself embroiled in controversy as he shares his input on the matter. Mohbad's former manager, Marley, allegedly bullied him during his lifetime, leading to widespread condemnation on social media.
As Nigerians express outrage over Marley's involvement in the discussion, many question his credibility and motives, considering his past actions. Some argue that those responsible for Mohbad's alleged mistreatment should not be allowed to evade accountability.
Social media users criticize Marley for his audacity to comment on the situation, pointing out the irony of his involvement given his alleged role in Mohbad's troubles. They emphasize the need for justice and accountability, refusing to let individuals implicated in Mohbad's suffering go unpunished.
Meanwhile, discussions around the DNA saga intensify, with some speculating that it might hold clues to Mohbad's untimely demise