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Governor Sanwo-Olu underscores the need for transparency and accountability in Nigeria's tax system, advocating for innovative measures to expand the tax base. Speaking at the 26th Annual Tax Conference, he highlights the pivotal role of taxes in fueling public services and infrastructure development for a sustainable future

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State has urged the Nigerian government to expand the country's tax base through innovative approaches, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in the tax system.

Speaking at the 26th Annual Tax Conference organized by the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria in Abuja, Sanwo-Olu highlighted the need for a conducive business environment while ensuring citizens witness tangible outcomes from their tax contributions. He commended recent efforts to streamline state-level taxes and integrate remote workers into the tax net.

Sanwo-Olu emphasized that taxes play a pivotal role in funding public services and infrastructure development, urging taxpayers to perceive tax payments as investments in Nigeria's future.

The conference theme, "Sustainable tax culture and economic roadmap for nation-building," underscores the significance of a robust tax system in driving economic growth and development. However, Nigerians have criticized Sanwo-Olu's suggestion, citing insensitivity to the prevailing economic challenges facing the country.