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Seun Kuti challenges societal norms, claiming women are more unfaithful than men in relationships. His views on polygamy and historical examples fuel debate on gender dynamics in fidelity.

Seun Kuti, the Nigerian musician and youngest son of Afrobeat legend Fela Kuti, has ignited controversy with his recent remarks suggesting that women are more prone to infidelity in relationships and marriages than men. Speaking candidly on the ‘Bahd & Boujee’ Podcast hosted by reality star Tolanibaj and actress Moet Abebe, Kuti challenged the prevailing notion that men are the primary culprits when it comes to cheating.

In the podcast, Kuti argued that society perpetuates a narrative that paints men as the predominant cheaters, while women are often overlooked or shielded from scrutiny. Drawing from historical and biblical examples, he pointed out instances where women have been portrayed as unfaithful, countering the traditional stereotype.

Kuti's statements were met with doubts by the hosts of the podcast, who pushed back against his assertions. However, Kuti remained firm in his stance, citing examples such as the biblical account of Joseph and Potiphar's wife to support his argument.