In a deeply disturbing incident that has sent shockwaves through the community, 32-year-old Justin Mohn decapitated his 68-year-old father, Michael, in their Levittown home, unleashing a horrifying sequence of events. The unsettling episode took a macabre turn as Mohn proceeded to post a 14-minute video on YouTube, showcasing the decapitated head and launching into a delusional and alarming rant against the federal government, particularly targeting the Biden administration.

The chilling footage, now removed, featured Mohn articulating his extreme views, declaring violence as the only solution to what he perceived as the government's treason. Beyond the gruesome act itself, Mohn's diatribe touched on various subjects, from economic distress and taxation issues to wild conspiracy theories involving globalist and communist plots.

Law enforcement swiftly apprehended Mohn, two hours away from his Fort Indiana Gap residence in Pennsylvania, following his arrest after 9 pm on Tuesday. The investigation uncovered a headless body at the Levittown residence, prompting Chief Joe Bartorilla of Middletown Police Department to acknowledge the gravity of the situation.

Prior to the disturbing incident, Mohn had posted a troubling filing shortly before Christmas, seeking to blame the government for his perceived grievances. The filing was the fourth attempt by Mohn to sue, claiming damages of $10 million from the federal government, though it lacked legal grounds.

Mohn's history reveals a tumultuous post-graduate life, marked by alleged malemployment and a move to Colorado. His disturbing beliefs, which he attributed to being seen as a messiah, have raised concerns about his mental health and its possible role in this gruesome act.

As the community grapples with the aftermath, this detailed exploration sheds light on the unsettling events that transpired, offering insights into the troubled mindset of the individual involved.