Image Credit: Пресс-служба Президента РФ
Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly suffered a cardiac arrest on Sunday evening, amid ongoing speculations about his health. A Telegram channel named General SVR suggested that recent appearances by Putin have been carried out by body doubles, claiming that Putin had to be resuscitated and moved to a special intensive care facility within his official residence. The channel is allegedly run by a former Kremlin lieutenant-general, using the alias Viktor Mikhailovich.
According to the channel's report, security officers at Putin's residence heard noises and sounds of falling coming from his bedroom at around 21:05 Moscow time. They found Putin lying on the floor next to an overturned table with food and drinks. Doctors were immediately called and successfully resuscitated the president. The incident has raised concerns among Putin's inner circle.
In recent months, there have been increasing concerns about Putin's health, with some suggesting he is dealing with serious illnesses, including oncology. The report has fueled speculation about the use of body doubles for Putin's official appearances.
While there has been no official response from the Kremlin regarding the claims, Russian officials have previously denied that Putin, who is 71 years old, has any serious health issues.