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Rude Boy, aka Paul Okoye, sparks marriage rumors during a visit to girlfriend Ifeoma Ivy's family, captured in a viral video. Speculation mounts about their expecting their first child together. Despite concerns over Okoye's past marriage, readers offer mixed reactions, with many extending congratulations and well-wishes to the couple for their future

Singer Paul Okoye, also known as Rude Boy, recently visited the family of his girlfriend, Ifeoma Ivy, sparking speculation about marriage. The couple, dressed in traditional attire, were seen in a video circulating online, accompanied by family members during the visit. Rumors suggest that Ifeoma Ivy is expecting their first child.

The news, reported on May 24, 2024, garnered attention, with readers expressing a mix of reactions in the comments section. Some congratulated the couple, wishing them happiness and a successful union. Others expressed concerns about past relationships and the challenges of monogamy, considering Paul Okoye has been married before and has three children. Amidst the congratulations, there were also comments reflecting on the personal lives of the couple, with opinions ranging from support to criticism.