In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the Bauchi State Police Command has confirmed the grim news of three additional fatalities following a stampede during an almsgiving Zakat event, bringing the total death toll to seven. The incident, which unfolded at the premises of Shafa Holdings Company Plc headquarters along Jos Road on Sunday morning, has left the community reeling in shock and mourning.
According to reports from DAILY POST, the stampede erupted at approximately 10 am as a large crowd, predominantly comprising women, gathered for the distribution of Zakat items generously provided by a Bauchi-based philanthropist. Initially, the distribution proceeded smoothly, with beneficiaries being called in groups to collect their allotted items. However, as restlessness swept through the crowd, a tumultuous surge ensued, resulting in a desperate struggle to gain entry to the premises.
SP Ahmed Wakili, the spokesman for the Bauchi State Police Command, provided updates on the tragic incident. In a somber phone interview with our reporter on Monday, SP Wakili disclosed the heartbreaking news of two more women succumbing to their injuries at the Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH). Additionally, he revealed that a third victim tragically passed away at home, further deepening the sorrow that has gripped the community.
The victims have been identified as Aisha Usman, aged 13; Sahura Abubakar, aged 55; Aisha Ibrahim Abubakar, aged 43; Kobi Street Bauchi; Khadija Isah, aged 8; Karofi Bauchi; Maryam Suleiman, aged 20, of Kandahar Bauchi; Maryam Shuibu, aged 16, of Gwang Gwan Gwan Bauchi; and Hassana Saidu, aged 53, of Dutsen Tanshi Bauchi. These names represent lives cut tragically short, leaving behind a community grappling with profound grief and loss.
SP Wakili affirmed, "These are the number of victims confirmed dead by medical doctors. More details will be made available to the public as the command receives them," underscoring the ongoing efforts to provide clarity and support to those affected by this devastating incident.
As Bauchi mourns the loss of these cherished lives, questions linger about the circumstances that led to this heartbreaking tragedy. With the community united in grief, authorities and local leaders are called upon to provide answers and ensure that measures are taken to prevent such a catastrophe from recurring in the future.