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The United Kingdom has announced an increase in the fees for student and tourist visas, aiming to allocate more funding to the public sector, as confirmed by the UK's Home Office on Friday. Starting from October 4, 2023, the cost of a tourist visit visa for stays of less than six months will...
1 min read
A contradiction has emerged regarding the purported lifting of the visa ban on Nigerian travelers to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A UAE official has contradicted the claim made by the Nigerian government, stating that there have been no changes to the travel status between Nigeria and the...
1 min read
The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has decided to reduce school fees by 5% to 20% in response to student protests against a fee hike announced in July. The initial fee increase had raised sessional mandatory charges for new undergraduate students to ₦‎126,325 for courses without labs/studios and...