In a devastating blow to the Nigerian military, at least six soldiers have fallen victim to a deadly ambush along the Biu-Buni Yadi road in Borno state. This tragic incident occurred just a week after the somber funeral rites for military personnel who were brutally murdered during a...
Here's another soldier who was killed in the Boko Haram attack at a military base in Borno state. The soldier identified as Lt. Dashe from Jos, Plateau state, was killed in line of duty, three months after his wedding introduction. Boko Haram insurgents ambushed a military convoy at Boboshe...
At least 69 people died in a Boko Haram ambush of an oil exploration team in northeast Nigeria, as three men kidnapped by the jihadists made a video appeal, AFP reports.
Experts said the attack -- Boko Haram's bloodiest this year -- underscored the persistent threat it poses, despite government...
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oil workers ambush
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