A devastating tanker explosion in Jigawa State claimed 209 lives and injured 99 others, as revealed by the investigation panel. Causes include road defects, night driving, and fuel scooping. Recommendations include road safety upgrades, trauma units, and stricter transport protocols. Governor...
A devastating petrol tanker explosion in Jigawa claimed 181 lives, including nearly 50 relatives of Mustapha Majiya, who lost his two nephews as they tried to warn others of the danger. The explosion highlights the ongoing risk of fuel tanker accidents in Nigeria, despite previous safety...
The death toll from the Jigawa tanker explosion has surpassed 174, prompting national leaders to offer condolences and urge stricter safety regulations for petroleum transport. Survivors are being treated while the Federal Government orders an investigation into the accident. President Tinubu...
The death toll from the tragic tanker explosion in Majia, Jigawa State, has risen to over 120. Following initial reports, officials confirm additional casualties and severe injuries. The government has intensified support efforts, highlighting urgent calls for improved safety protocols in...
A petrol tanker explosion in Majiya, Jigawa State, has tragically resulted in 105 fatalities and 55 injuries. The incident, which occurred late Tuesday night, involved locals attempting to collect spilled fuel after the driver lost control of the tanker. Authorities are preparing for mass...
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