Nigerian rapper Ice Prince shares his journey of overcoming financial struggles, revealing how he lost his university admission due to an inability to raise N20,000. Despite adversity, he worked menial jobs and relied on faith, ultimately finding success. His story highlights resilience and...
Speed Darlington, the Nigerian rapper, is facing legal action for defamation after mocking Burna Boy on social media. Arrested in November 2024, Darlington’s legal team argues his continued detention is unlawful. His case is before the Federal High Court in Abuja. Defamation charges stem from a...
Nigerian rapper Oladips has dispelled rumors of his demise by sharing compelling evidence of his well-being, just days after his management announced his "death" on November 15, citing a prolonged, undisclosed health issue. Speculation mounted online that the rapper's demise was a staged event...
Veteran Nigerian rapper, Ikechukwu has just shared his sad experience with SARS operatives in Lagos.
Narrating his ordeal, the rapper said, 'I was kidnapped by sars lastnight. Two mins away from my house, taken to lagos island and made to exhaust my atm allowance or i would be killed and no...
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