Politics 2015 Presidency: I’m Under Pressure To Run - Jonathan - Leadership


President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday, admitted that he was under pressure to seek a second term in office, saying, over 1665 campaign groups have volunteered to work for his re-election in 2015.

The president however said the pressure notwithstanding, he would have to wait until 2014 before making his decision known to Nigerians.

The president’s presumed second term bid has been the thrust of the festering crisis in the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP)

Source: Leadership Newspaper
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2015 Presidency: I’m Under Pressure To Run - Jonathan - Leadership
So what do you say to that @[USERGROUP=4]Senior Member[/USERGROUP]
He's under more pressure not to run.... He'll rather listen to 1 praise singer than a battalion of haters who probably have a point