Metro Air Chief Vows to End North East Insurgency Before 2015 Elections



The Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Adesola Amosu, on Monday expressed the determination of the air force to restore stability in the North-East before the 2015 general elections.

"I have been involved in operations in the North-East, so now that I have taken over, we will expedite action in ensuring that stability returns to the region.

"We promise that peace will be restored to the region so that elections can take place come 2015."

He pleaded for the cooperation of traditional rulers and the public to enable him to achieve his set target.

The air chief disclosed that more young people were need in the military to make them to be usefully engaged.

“We will work with Deji Jakande and Rafeequat Onabamire to ensure we get Lagosians to join the force.

"We need to concentrate more on the youths so that we can have peace because without peace, development will not come to Nigeria.

"So we need to mobilise them so that we can contribute and bring the desired peace to Nigeria.

"The time frame at which we will achieve this is not important. What is important is our determination to succeed," he said.

He stressed the need for security agencies to cooperate with the armed forces in ensuring that security was top priority in the country.

Amosu disclosed that President Goodluck Jonathan had put measures in place to ensure that the armed forces received needed funds.


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