Politics Disparaging the office of the president, an affront on Nigeria - Daily Independent


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In every
modern sovereign nation of the world there are certain basic symbols of sovereignty. These symbols are such that anywhere anybody sees them, the whole embodiment of the political, social and economic make up of the country is seen. Because of the myth of the might of every sovereign nation, these basic symbols always convey the unique aura of the country they symbolize. The symbols are the office of the president (or any title of the highest leadership office or position), the national flag and the national anthem. Very high regard and respect that are equal to very high reverence and deference are accorded the national symbols.

In many countries of the world, the willful disparaging or desecration of any of these national symbols attract the capital penalty, including sometimes paying the supreme price. Incidentally, such countries turn out to be among the greatest countries of the world.

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Source: Daily Independent