Politics Nigeria: What Effect Will Boko Haram Have on Elections? - Think Africa Press


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In recent weeks, the ongoing political battle between the ruling People's Democratic Party (#PDP) and its opposition rival, the All Progressives Congress (#APC), has largely taken a backseat in #Nigeria. Instead, all eyes are fixed on #BokoHaram and how the government is addressing it.

Although the Islamist militant group has not succeeded in attacking more high-profile targets since 2011 − when it bombed the United Nations building in Abuja and the Nigerian Police Force Headquarters − it has significantly increased its assaults on soft targets and civilians. This year alone, Boko Haram has reportedly killed over 2,000 people; last month it bombed a busy bus station on the fringes of the capital; and it is continues to hold hostage over 200 schoolgirls abducted from the town of Chibok.

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Source: Think Africa Press



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