Metro Nigerian Excretes 90 Capsules of Cocaine in India



The Indian authorities have arrested a Nigerian for trafficking cocaine.

Okonkwo M. Tony was arrested at the the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) Delhi, India, by Narcotics Control Bureau sleuths, on Monday after his arrival from Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.


He was admitted to a hospital by the sleuths of the Delhi Zonal unit of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) after his arrest and given some medical administration. Officials said he has ejected 90 cocaine-filled capsules weighing 1.3kg in two days.

Authorities say Tony had initially misled the sleuths saying he had come to India for business purpose while carrying a tourist visa.

"He told investigators that he had swallowed these at a guest house in Lagos and then reached Addis Ababa via Lome (Togo). He was apprehended as soon as he landed here from the Ethiopian capital,” an official said.

The officials claimed Tony was supposed to hand over the drug capsules to another Nigerian national here, whom the agency has been trailing.

There have been four drug busts in the last month at the airport.