World Norway Blocks Apple From Flying Over Oslo to Take 3D Pictures



Norway’s intelligence agency has refused to give Apple permission to fly over Oslo to take 3D pictures for its map application.

The Norwegian National Security Authority, NSM, tasked with protecting Norway from espionage, sabotage or acts of terrorism, refused to comment on the number or nature of restricted zones in Oslo

A spokeswoman for NSM, Mona Stroem said “I can confirm that Apple was not authorized to take aerial photographs because the level of detail in the shots is considered too high for some of the restricted zones,"

"We have however presented Apple with alternative solutions, including buying photos from Norwegian suppliers or from the Norwegian map authorities," she said.

Photos of these zones provided by Norwegian suppliers are of a lower resolution or blurred.

Local reports said Oslo’s mayor was approached by the US embassy in Norway to contact government on Apple’s behalf but the effort was futile.

Apple was censured for errors in its first map application it developed in-house, and has since emerged with its Flyover function that enables users to fly over major cities interactively.

Norway's neighbours Sweden and Denmark have meanwhile granted Apple permission to take aerial photos.


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