Lagos club owner, Pretty Mike, following his arrest by Lagos state authorities, has taken to his Instagram page to apologize for putting ladies on a leash during his outings.
Here's what he wrote:
"There has been a lot of controversy over two of my outings holding some females on a leash. I apologize to all the women and the good people of Lagos State, Nigeria and the rest of the world who feel dehumanized by this craft that meant well. I will use other platforms and format to continue to create the necessary awareness...#WomenRights #PeaceAmbassador"
Pretty Mike: Man Who Walks With Human Puppies Arrested
Here's what he wrote:
"There has been a lot of controversy over two of my outings holding some females on a leash. I apologize to all the women and the good people of Lagos State, Nigeria and the rest of the world who feel dehumanized by this craft that meant well. I will use other platforms and format to continue to create the necessary awareness...#WomenRights #PeaceAmbassador"
Pretty Mike: Man Who Walks With Human Puppies Arrested