STIs are also called sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs. STIs are usually spread by having vaginal, oral, or anal sex. An STI is an infection passed from one person to another person through sexual contact. Some STIs can be cured and some STIs cannot be cured. Below are several ways to avoid or reduce your risk of sexually transmitted infections.
1.Avoid any and all sexual activity (Abstinence): Not having sex is the only sure way to prevent STI.
2.Practice Safer Sex: Not everyone can abstain from sexual activity, but it is advised to practice a very safe sex through protective means.
3.Get Vaccinated: You can get vaccinated for various types of sexually transmitted infections, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV (Human Papillomavirus) before any sexual contact.
4.Get Tested for HIV: Consider getting yourself and your partner tested for any STD. Wait for the result before having any sexual intercourse.
5.Avoid sexual contact with someone who has genital sores, rashes: To prevent getting a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, always avoid sex with anyone who has genital sores, a rash, discharge, or other symptoms. The only time unprotected sex is safe is if you and your partner have sex only with each other, and if it's been at least six months since you each tested negative for STDs.
6. Effective Use of Latex Condoms: Use a new latex condom or dental dam for each sex act, whether oral, vaginal or anal. Never use an oil-based lubricant, such as petroleum jelly, with a latex condom or dental dam. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely effective if used properly. Learn how to use condoms correctly.
7. Be monogamous/Limit your number of sex partners: Having sex with just one partner can lower your risk for STIs. After being tested for STIs, be faithful to each other. That means that you have sex only with each other and no one else.
8. Communicate With Your Partner: Before any serious sexual contact, communicate with your partner about practising safer sex. Reach an explicit agreement about what activities will and won't be OK.
9. Don't drink alcohol excessively or use drugs: If you have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, get help. People who are drunk or on drugs often fail to have safe sex.
10. Do not douche: Douching removes some of the normal bacteria in the vagina that protects you from infection. This may increase your risk of getting STIs.
WATCH: Health: 10 Ways To Reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections

1.Avoid any and all sexual activity (Abstinence): Not having sex is the only sure way to prevent STI.
2.Practice Safer Sex: Not everyone can abstain from sexual activity, but it is advised to practice a very safe sex through protective means.
3.Get Vaccinated: You can get vaccinated for various types of sexually transmitted infections, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV (Human Papillomavirus) before any sexual contact.
4.Get Tested for HIV: Consider getting yourself and your partner tested for any STD. Wait for the result before having any sexual intercourse.
5.Avoid sexual contact with someone who has genital sores, rashes: To prevent getting a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, always avoid sex with anyone who has genital sores, a rash, discharge, or other symptoms. The only time unprotected sex is safe is if you and your partner have sex only with each other, and if it's been at least six months since you each tested negative for STDs.
6. Effective Use of Latex Condoms: Use a new latex condom or dental dam for each sex act, whether oral, vaginal or anal. Never use an oil-based lubricant, such as petroleum jelly, with a latex condom or dental dam. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely effective if used properly. Learn how to use condoms correctly.
7. Be monogamous/Limit your number of sex partners: Having sex with just one partner can lower your risk for STIs. After being tested for STIs, be faithful to each other. That means that you have sex only with each other and no one else.
8. Communicate With Your Partner: Before any serious sexual contact, communicate with your partner about practising safer sex. Reach an explicit agreement about what activities will and won't be OK.
9. Don't drink alcohol excessively or use drugs: If you have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, get help. People who are drunk or on drugs often fail to have safe sex.
10. Do not douche: Douching removes some of the normal bacteria in the vagina that protects you from infection. This may increase your risk of getting STIs.
WATCH: Health: 10 Ways To Reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections

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