Politics The Futility of Terror in the Face of Courage By Reno Omokri



Many times, in a game, what the spectators think they see is often not what is played out on the pitch. This is the main reason why many people watch a game and they have multiple analysis of what went on.
The reason for this variance is because of that thing called a perspective or a point of view.

Onlookers may see a point of view, but it is only those engaged in the game itself that see the whole picture and having this insight, they can understand why a ball is played in a way it was played even while the spectators disagree because they see from a point of view.

This is the situation with many people who criticize the president for his actions in the face of terror attacks. Many people do not see the larger picture and it is the object of this piece to help them see it and put things in perspective.

The opposition has been making a big to do about the suspension of the Federal Executive Council meeting in the after math of the death of Captain Yusuf Sabo Sambo, the younger brother of the Vice President, Alhaji Namadi Sambo. Their argument is that if the Federal Executive Council was not put off after recent terror attacks in which many lost their lives, why should it be put off in this case.

The nation is in an emotionally tense state especially with the recent kidnap of our young girls at the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok in Borno state and the opposition knows that. Everything is being done to rescue the kidnapped girls and to talk about some of those things may affect rescue operations, but the thing to know is that the military is doing their utmost best.

However, one of the elementary principles of statecraft is that you do not react to terrorists, you respond to them.

If terrorists observe that you are reactive to them rather than being responsive then they will keep manipulating you by terrorizing you anytime they do not want you to take a course of action. If on the other hand they notice that your will is not broken by their action and you continue on your determined course irrespective of their actions then they will eventually accept the futility of their actions.

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Blah blah blah. This is the whole problem. Rather than getting to the grass roots to explain what is going on on radio etc you are catering to the vocal few to look good on social media. This is not europe or america. How many of the 170 million people in the country can understand your grammar.

The problem might be you are all too intelligent for Nigeria.
The real problem is I do not think you and yout bosses see any picture at all. you are an unfortunate failure in everything especialy the art of statecraft that the only option you pursue is ethnic and religious agenda to hide the ineptitude of your proncipals and shamelessly try to btand innocent people terrorists for telling you to put your house in order.
The real problem is I do not think you and yout bosses see any picture at all. you are an unfortunate failure in everything especialy the art of statecraft that the only option you pursue is ethnic and religious agenda to hide the ineptitude of your proncipals and shamelessly try to btand innocent people terrorists for telling you to put your house in order.

Has there been other governments that did any different in Nigeria. If they did we will not be having these chats. We did not become a failed state overnight... i should use the term alleged failed state. Today was not the beginning of corruption or any of the other vices that come with being in power. My sadness is I feel the alternatives are just as unacceptable.

We might be too hungry to ser that the fruit basket is full of rotten apples