World This Man Has 100 Orgasms A Day. And He Isn't Happy About It.


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Say Hello to Dale Decker, the 100-Orgasms-A-Day-Man.

That might sound like a really sweet deal.

But, trust Dale, it is really not.

It all started in September 2012, when he slipped a disc in his back while getting out of his chair.

As the story goes, he had five orgasms on his wavy to the hospital, and the orgasms haven't stopped since then. As a result, Dale has had to remain housebound.

He says: “Imagine being on your knees at your father’s funeral beside his casket, saying goodbye to him, and then you have nine orgasms right there, while your whole family is standing behind you. It makes you never want to have another orgasm for as long as you live.

“There’s nothing pleasurable about it because even though it might feel physically good, you’re completely disgusted by what’s going on.”

He also added:

“If you’re in public, if you’re in front of kids – it’s disgusting and it can break you real fast.”

Click here to read his story

Source: #Buzzfeed
