Entertainment TLC Raises $180k In 4 Days For Album Lunch



The duo of T.Boz and Chilli of the popular TLC music group few days ago launched a Kickstarter crowd funding campaign to raise $150k for the last TLC album. The duo received $5k from Katy Perry, $10k from Kids On The Block and over $160k from other fans across the globe.

As at January 22nd, the duo had raised more than $180,000, $30,000 above their target. However, fans can continue to make donations for the next 27 days.

According to Yahoo News "It is one of Kickstarter’s most successful music campaigns. “TLC’s success on Kickstarter is a measure of the heart they’ve put into it — the outpouring of love for their fans is incredible, the rewards are meaningful, and the behind the scenes updates are compelling,” company spokesman Justin Kazmark said in a statement to Yahoo Music. “In just four days, their project’s become one of the most funded and anticipated music projects on Kickstarter to date.”