A Nigerian Correctional Service official, Kabiru Abubakar, allegedly killed his colleague, Aliyu Chiroma, during a food dispute in Bauchi State. The altercation escalated into violence, resulting in Chiroma's death after being rushed to the hospital. Authorities confirm the incident took place...
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the Bauchi State Police Command has confirmed the grim news of three additional fatalities following a stampede during an almsgiving Zakat event, bringing the total death toll to seven. The incident, which unfolded at the premises of Shafa Holdings Company...
In Bauchi State, a silent crisis unfolds as residents grapple with soaring food prices, leading to hunger and despair. According to reports, a small portion of potatoes has surged from 300 to 1000 naira, while the price of a bag of maize has doubled from 30,000 to 60,000 naira. Additionally, the...
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