breast cancer

  1. naija questions

    General Health Breast cancer spreads through the body in just two or three waves – New Scientist

    Most people who die from cancer are killed by cells that have spread through their body, but we know relatively little about how they spread. Now a team has genetically sequenced the secondary tumours of 10 women who died from breast cancer, and found … Read more via New Scientist...
  2. naija questions

    General Health How Fast Does Breast Cancer Grow and Spread? – Verywell Health

    If you have been diagnosed with or are worried about breast cancer, you may be wondering how fast it develops, grows, and spreads. In other words, when a cancer is found, you may wonder when it started, how fast will it double in size if not removed, and how … Read more via Verywell Health...
  3. naija questions

    General Health Calories, Carbs, Fat, Fiber: Unraveling The Links Between Breast Cancer And Diet –

    "A Low-Fat Diet Helps Reduce The Risk of Death From Breast Cancer." Did a headline like this catch your eye this week? Dozens of news organizations, including NPR, reported on a new study that found that a low-fat diet helped women reduce their risk of dying from breast cancer...... Read...
  4. naija questions

    General Health A Low-Fat Diet May Lower the Risk of Dying from Breast Cancer – TIME

    Breast cancer treatments have come a long way in recent decades, but understanding how to prevent tumors from forming in the first place has been a major challenge. In a new study being presented at the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Chicago next month, researchers...
  5. naija questions

    General Health Low-fat diet helps reduce risk of dying from breast cancer, study finds – NBC News

    Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet could help significantly lower a woman’s risk of dying from breast cancer, and the key … Read more via NBC News
  6. naija questions

    General Health ‘Convinced it was a cyst’: Wife shares heartbreaking story of losing husband to breast cancer – Global News

    A California woman is sharing her late husband’s battle with breast cancer as a way to raise awareness that the disease is a men’s health issue, too. Tammy Porter penned an emotional essay about losing her 48-year-old partner Mike last year to breast cancer after he discovered what he …...
  7. naija questions

    General Health Don’t Ignore These Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms—If You Have 1 or More, Do See Your Doctor –

    If you’re a woman, there’s a roughly one-in-eight chance that you’ll end up with breast cancer during your lifetime. Therefore, it’s more than worth it to know exactly how to detect your risk—no matter what your symptoms may be. Every year, over 7 million people die from some form of … Read...
  8. naija questions

    General Health Fertility diaries: A woman’s moving story of post-breast cancer pregnancy – VOGUE India

    I was 36 when I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. It was November. The relationship I was in when I found the lump didn’t work out; and by December I was told I would need to have six rounds of chemo followed by a lumpectomy. It was … Read more via VOGUE India...
  9. naija questions

    General Health The Breast Cancer Risk Factor You Need to Know About – Shondaland

    Most of the material in Ellen DeGeneres’ Netflix special, Relatable, is about how America’s favorite happy-go-lucky daytime TV host is both filthy rich and mind-bogglingly famous, yet still very much a human being. "Whenever [fans] see me anywhere, they’re like, ‘Dance, Ellen, dance!’" she says...
  10. naija questions

    General Health Breast Cancer Screening and Detection – WebMD

    When it comes to breast cancer screening and detection, experts and advocacy groups don't agree on when women should start getting regular breast cancer screening mammograms. Without delving into the controversy, consider these facts: ... Read more via WebMD
  11. J

    Video 5 Causes Of Breast Cancer All Nigerian Women Should Know -

    Statistics show breast cancer as the most common invasive cancer in women, claiming too many lives each year across the globe. Yet, advances in screening and treatment have improved survival rates dramatically since 1989. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that may begin in various areas of the...
  12. naija questions

    Family Health How fast can breast cancer spread in 1 year? – Medical News Today

    People who have found a lump, have recently had their breast cancer diagnosed, or know someone who has may wonder how fast it can grow or spread. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among women in the United States.... Read more via Medical News Today
  13. naija questions

    General Health Researchers Successfully Turn Breast Cancer Cells Into Fat to Stop Them From Spreading – ScienceAlert

    Researchers have been able to coax human breast cancer cells to turn into fat cells in a new proof-of-concept study in mice. To achieve this feat, the team exploited a weird pathway that metastasising cancer cells have; their results are just a first step, but it’s a truly promising approach. …...
  14. naija questions

    General Health At the mercy of breast cancer – Newtelegraph

    Cancer is one of world’s highest killers whose cure has remained a challenge to medical science. In spite of efforts made by governments and organizations to fight the deadly disease, cancer has continued to ravage the populace. \ The case of Victoria Ogechi Uzoma, from Umuako, Nsirimo …...
  15. naija questions

    General Health 17 Things No One Tells You About Having Breast Cancer – BuzzFeed

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what they wish people knew about having breast cancer. Here are some of their responses: Editor’s note: Everyone’s experience with breast cancer is different. These stories are personal, and are meant only to shed light on some of the...
  16. naija questions

    General Health A New Type of Treatment Shows Promise Against Aggressive Breast Cancer – Time

    In many cases, breast cancer is considered a treatable disease — as long as it’s diagnosed early and treated with the proper combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or targeted drugs. But triple-negative breast cancer has long been an exception. The reason it’s so deadly is that these...
  17. naija questions

    General Health How to check your boobs for breast cancer – Cosmopolitan

    October may be Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it's not just now that you need to be aware of checking your breasts; it's a habit you should be maintaining all year round, no matter your age or family history. Read more via Cosmopolitan
  18. M

    Metro They were thought to be ‘too young’ for breast cancer. They were wrong. –

    Melissa Rojas was a week away from her one-year wedding anniversary when she learned she had breast cancer. The 28-year-old nurse had no family history of the disease. Jasmine Harris was 26 working as a health coordinator at a hospital when she felt a lump in her breast while … Read more via...
  19. naija questions

    General Health Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018: Beauty Through the Eyes of a Survivor – BellaNaija

    Today, we’re sharing more of Ms.H’s breast cancer survivor chronicles. If you missed the first part of this series, please click here. We welcome breast cancer survivors to share their stories. We hope someone reading will be inspired. *** October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! One of the...
  20. naija questions

    General Health Antibiotic may prevent breast cancer recurrence – Medical News Today

    One of cancer researchers’ top priorities is discovering ways to reduce the risk that cancer will recur or metastasize. A recent, small-scale study may have found a common, cost-effective drug that does just that. An antibiotic might help prevent breast cancer from coming back. Cancer stem cells...