breast cancer

  1. naija questions

    General Health For Some Women, Breast Reconstruction Isn’t the Answer – Healthline

    Learning to Love Your Body Is Hard — Especially After Breast Cancer As we age, we bear scars and stretch marks that tell the story of a life well-lived. For me, that story includes breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and no reconstruction. Read more via Healthline
  2. naija questions

    General Health Better Sex After Breast Cancer — One Woman’s Story – Healthline

    My partner could barely touch me without crying. I had flown out to California to spend New Year’s 2016 at his desert cabin. In the photos of us from that trip, we laugh, posed in front of slot machines at a kitschy casino; he plays his guitar next to the … Read more via Healthline...
  3. naija questions

    General Health Eating Burgers & Hot Dogs Increases A Woman’s Risk Of Breast Cancer – Harvard Study Warns – NaijaBizCom.Com

    Burgers may increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer, new Harvard research suggests. Processed meat has long been linked to other cancers of the pancreas, prostate and bowels, but this study is the first to show a link with tumors that start in the breast.Women who consumed the most processed …...
  4. naija questions

    General Health Bacon and sausages ‘linked to breast cancer’ – BBC News

    Regularly eating foods like bacon and sausages may raise the risk of breast cancer, according to researchers. A review of studies found women who ate high levels of processed meat had a 9% increased risk of the cancer compared with those who ate little of … Read more via BBC News...
  5. naija questions

    General Health What Breast Cancer Survivors Wish You Knew – Scary Mommy

    Three years ago, my life and body changed forever when I had two cancerous tumors removed, both breasts, and 13 lymph nodes. I am grateful for each day that I get to walk on this earth; however, I will never be the same again. I mean it’s not like … Read more via Scary Mommy...
  6. naija questions

    General Health These 6 Habits May Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer – Time

    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the U.S., affecting almost 85 of every 100,000 Americans, according to recent data from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Around the globe, 627,000 people are projected to die from breast cancer this...
  7. naija questions

    General Health What Causes Breast Cancer? The 18 Factors That Put You at Biggest Risk – Prevention

    Being overweight or obese “Obesity is a risk factor particularly among postmenopausal women,” says Dr. Kruse. Before menopause, your ovaries make most of your estrogen; after menopause, the ovaries stop making estrogen so most of the hormone comes from fat tissue—having too much fat can raise...
  8. naija questions

    General Health ‘Evil’ protein may be key in common breast cancer – Futurity

    New research untangles some of the mysteries of a protein called EVL (pronounced “evil”), which may reduce the ability of a common kind of breast cancer to spread to other parts of the body. … Read more via Futurity
  9. naija questions

    General Health I Survived Breast Cancer—but My Treatment Left My Fingers and Toes Permanently Numb –

    I was 49 years old, and I hadn’t had a mammogram in three years. I decided to get caught up. I went for the mammogram and, judging from the way the technician reacted to the image, I was pretty sure something needed further scanning. I had an ultrasound at another … Read more via
  10. naija questions

    General Health Guy Smarts: 4 male breast cancer symptoms you should never ignore –

    When we talk about breast cancer, we rarely talk about the men who are diagnosed with the condition. So often, we assume breast cancer is exclusively a women's disease, says Dr. Kristen Fernandez, medical director of the breast center at the MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center in Maryland...
  11. naija questions

    General Health How Breast Cancer Spreads and Recurs – Verywell Health

    Breast cancer is frightening enough without the fear that it could travel to other parts of the body. Metastasis is the term for the spread of cancer. About 250,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and roughly 40,000 will die from the disease each year. When breast cancer is diagnosed …...
  12. naija questions

    General Health Ericka Hart on Facing Breast Cancer as a Black Woman – Healthline

    Breast cancer survivor Ericka Hart partnered with us to talk about her personal journey and about Healthline’s new app for those living with breast cancer. Ericka Hart was just 13 years old when her mother died of breast cancer. "It was hard to go through as a kid. My mom was diagnosed with...
  13. naija questions

    General Health Do You Know Walking Can Reduce Risk Of Breast Cancer? Check Out Other Amazing Benefits Of Walking – ModernGhana News

    According to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise journal, walking helps reduce the risk of all chronic diseases and is considered a ’wonder drug’ by many doctors and physicians. What makes walking the best form of exercise for your health is the fact that it goes easy on your heart and...
  14. naija questions

    General Health 4 breast cancer symptoms that have nothing to do with feeling a lump – Prima

    Breast cancer diagnosis often goes something like this: a woman feels a lump on her breast and makes a doctor’s appointment. The doctor conducts some tests—which may include a breast exam, mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy, or a combination—and determines the lump is cancerous. That’s why women …...
  15. naija questions

    General Health Low-fat diet tied to improved breast cancer survival odds – U.S.

    (Reuters Health) – Breast cancer patients may have a better chance of survival when they follow a low-fat diet heavy in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers studied 19,541 participants in the federally funded Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) who were randomly...
  16. stato

    Breakthrough breast cancer drug Herceptin cures disease ‘twice as quick’ as previously. - Telegraph

    Women with aggressive breast cancer can be be effectively cured in half the time compared to current treatment, minimising harmful side effects, researchers have said. A new trial of patients suffering from HER2-positive breast cancer found survival rates were almost identical among those...
  17. M

    I survived breast cancer, defied diagnosis that I might be childless –Woman – Punch...

    A Nigerian woman, Ifeyinwa Anigala, has shared the story of how she overcame breast cancer and went on to have a baby, despite the medical report saying she would never be able to conceive. Anigala, who used the anniversary of her birthday to share her survival story on … Read more via...
  18. M

    I survived breast cancer, defied diagnosis that I might be childless –Woman – Punch Newspapers

    A Nigerian woman, Ifeyinwa Anigala, has shared the story of how she overcame breast cancer and went on to have a baby, despite the medical report saying she would never be able to conceive. Anigala, who used the anniversary of her birthday to share her survival story on … Read more via...
  19. stato

    World New drug approved for treatment of breast cancer – TODAY.NG

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States of America has approved the use of Lynparza (olaparib) in the treatment of breast cancer. via TODAY.NG – Get more World News
  20. stato

    World New drug approved for treatment of breast cancer – TODAY.NG

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States of America has approved the use of Lynparza (olaparib) in the treatment of breast cancer. via TODAY.NG – Get more World News