
  1. naija questions

    General Health What Happens When Breast Cancer Spreads to the Brain – Verywell Health

    What happens if your breast cancer spreads to your brain? Sometimes, brain metastases are found when breast cancer is first diagnosed, but the majority of the time, brain metastases occur as a distant recurrence of an early-stage breast cancer that was treated in the past. What symptoms may...
  2. naija questions

    General Health Breast cancer spreads through the body in just two or three waves – New Scientist

    Most people who die from cancer are killed by cells that have spread through their body, but we know relatively little about how they spread. Now a team has genetically sequenced the secondary tumours of 10 women who died from breast cancer, and found … Read more via New Scientist...
  3. naija questions

    General Health 5 Signs That Could Mean Ovarian Cancer–Early Stages Are Hard to Detect, Here’s How –

    Every year, roughly 21,000 people in the United States and 295,000 people worldwide are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It’s the eighth-most common cancer for women globally, making up just under 4 percent of all cancer cases diagnosed in 2018. When diagnosed in the early stages, the chances of...
  4. naija questions

    General Health These 5 tropical plants may ‘provide anticancer benefits’ – Medical News Today

    In a recent study, scientists identified several tropical plants that have anticancer properties. The Bandicoot Berry (shown here) may have anticancer benefits. Researchers from the National University of Singapore, Department of Pharmacy (NUS Pharmacy) spent 3 years investigating the...
  5. naija questions

    General Health How Fast Does Breast Cancer Grow and Spread? – Verywell Health

    If you have been diagnosed with or are worried about breast cancer, you may be wondering how fast it develops, grows, and spreads. In other words, when a cancer is found, you may wonder when it started, how fast will it double in size if not removed, and how … Read more via Verywell Health...
  6. naija questions

    General Health Male Breast Cancer: Coping and Finding Support – Verywell Health

    We don’t have to look far to see evidence of support for women with breast cancer, but what about for men who have breast cancer? Many people, in fact, aren’t even aware there is such as thing as male breast cancer. In some ways, breast cancer in men today … Read more via Verywell Health...
  7. naija questions

    General Health Deborah James: Five symptoms of bowel cancer – BBC News

    Deborah James was 35 when she found out that she had stage 4 bowel cancer. While undergoing treatment, she has written and spoken out about the need for people to be aware of the symptoms of bowel cancer and why we need to pay more attention to our poo.... Read more via BBC News – Health...
  8. naija questions

    General Health ‘It was as small as a dot’: 20-year-old finds deadly melanoma on sole of foot –

    As a young, healthy African American, University of Kentucky football player Joshua Paschal didn’t think he could get melanoma. The deadliest form of skin cancer is rare among African-Americans, so he wasn’t worried when a tiny dark spot appeared on the sole of his right foot early last year...
  9. naija questions

    General Health Artificial intelligence finds lung cancer – BBC News

    Artificial intelligence is better than specialist doctors at diagnosing lung cancer, a US study suggests. The researchers at Northwestern University in Illinois and Google hope the technology could boost the effectiveness of cancer screening. Finding tumours at an earlier stage should make...
  10. naija questions

    General Health When to stop scratching that itch and see a doctor about it instead – South China Morning Post

    I have an occasional “phantom” itch in the middle of my back in a place I cannot reach. I use a long-handled comb to give it a good scratch. There’s no obvious cause – no rash, no irritation or redness... Read more via South China Morning Post
  11. naija questions

    General Health ‘Convinced it was a cyst’: Wife shares heartbreaking story of losing husband to breast cancer – Global News

    A California woman is sharing her late husband’s battle with breast cancer as a way to raise awareness that the disease is a men’s health issue, too. Tammy Porter penned an emotional essay about losing her 48-year-old partner Mike last year to breast cancer after he discovered what he …...
  12. naija questions

    General Health Be on your guard, there’s cancer lurking in your mouth – The Hindu

    Last month, a 36-year-old Mira Road resident was operated upon for early-stage tongue cancer. The mother of three children has never smoked or chewed tobacco. The diagnosis thus shocked her as well as her family... Read more via The Hindu – Health
  13. naija questions

    General Health Don’t Ignore These Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms—If You Have 1 or More, Do See Your Doctor –

    If you’re a woman, there’s a roughly one-in-eight chance that you’ll end up with breast cancer during your lifetime. Therefore, it’s more than worth it to know exactly how to detect your risk—no matter what your symptoms may be. Every year, over 7 million people die from some form of … Read...
  14. naija questions

    General Health 7 Things to Ask Your Doctor About Ovarian Cancer – Woman's day

    This article is sponsored by beBRCAware. Dr. Elizabeth Swisher was not compensated for her participation in this article. Each year, more than 22,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. But since the symptoms can be nonspecific and...
  15. naija questions

    General Health Urine Test Could Help Prevent Cervical Cancer: Study – The Quint

    Urine testing could have a role in the developing world, where cervical cancer is up to 15 times more common and smear testing largely non-existent. Around one in 20 women show abnormal changes which might go on to become cancer and are referred for colposcopy, where the cervix is … Read more...
  16. naija questions

    General Health 6 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After an Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis – Prevention

    Nothing can prepare you for an ovarian cancer diagnosis. Hearing that you have the “Big C” changes your life, and it can be devastating, terrifying, and overwhelming. With so many thoughts racing through your mind, it can be challenging to know what to ask or where to turn. “Once you … Read...
  17. naija questions

    General Health 7 Things to Ask Your Doctor About Ovarian Cancer – Woman’s Day

    This article is sponsored by beBRCAware. Dr. Elizabeth Swisher was not compensated for her participation in this article. Each year, more than 22,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. But since the symptoms can be nonspecific and...
  18. naija questions

    General Health 5 Women Get Real About What It’s Actually Like Having Ovarian Cancer – Prevention

    This year, about 22,530 women will receive a ovarian cancer diagnosis and about 13,980 will die from the disease, according to the American Cancer Society. And while you can find plenty of articles on the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options, there’s no way to prepare for facing ovarian...
  19. naija questions

    General Health 5 Signs of Chronic Inflammation You Can’t Ignore–Ignore It May Lead to Heart Disease or Cancer –

    Inflammation is the body’s natural survival mechanism that typically indicates that your body is fighting off a disease or repairing damaged tissue. However, if inflammation persists for long periods of time, it may signal a problem in the body. Many serious health conditions are tied to chronic...
  20. naija questions

    General Health Your questions about ovarian cancer answered: from early symptoms to treatment – HelloGiggles

    Young women have heard a lot about cervical cancer, mostly in the context of the the HPV vaccine. But you probably know less about ovarian cancer. It’s a disease not many younger women worry about since it typically affects women after menopause (i.e. over age 45), but the signs of … Read...