Although I usually refrain from writing columns linked to national health observances, I believe that Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, in March, is too important to ignore. There are simply too many people who are still getting and dying from this preventable disease because they failed to …...
At the risk of sounding stupid, hot sauce is, well, hot—it makes you cry, it burns your mouth, and touching a chili pepper and then your eye is big no-no. All that doesn’t sound very pleasant, but ultimately, people LOVE it. And it turns out, your love of the burn is …
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For decades, infectious diseases led the way in the number of deaths caused by ill-health, especially in less developed countries like Nigeria. These infectious diseases have been contained in recent years because of advances in medicine and safer practices in agriculture and …
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Cancer has become a worldwide problem and is the second leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease. Lung cancer is one of those diseases that can just creep up on you, and by the time you notice something is wrong, often the cancer is pretty advanced. …
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For a long time, blacks have died of cancer at higher rates than other Americans. But a new report says …
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A new study shows a link between prostate cancer and cancer cells’ uptake of fatty acids.
The findings point to a possible therapeutic target for this common cancer, the second most diagnosed cancer in …
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People who have found a lump, have recently had their breast cancer diagnosed, or know someone who has may wonder how fast it can grow or spread.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among women in the United States....
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cientists said patients with persistent sore throat, combined with shortness of breath, trouble swallowing or earache, should consider cancer as the cause.
Their findings are published in the ‘British Journal of General Practice’. Based on the study, the researchers recommended that patients...
Recent research has tied regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, to longer survival in some people with head and neck cancer. Aspirin may improve the outlook for some people living with head and neck cancer.
The researchers propose that there should now be a...
It’s cervical cancer prevention week. And with strong reason: in the UK, two women lose their lives to the disease every day, whilst nine are diagnosed with the illness daily. More than half of these are diagnosed in women aged under 45 and, of these, most occur in women …
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Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world today. No wonder it is called the “emperor of all maladies”. In fact, cancer is so dangerous that some Oncologists named it “the messenger of death”. As of today, I don’t think there is anything as scary as a …
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Researchers have been able to coax human breast cancer cells to turn into fat cells in a new proof-of-concept study in mice. To achieve this feat, the team exploited a weird pathway that metastasising cancer cells have; their results are just a first step, but it’s a truly promising approach. …...
There is no single best way to prevent prostate cancer, but several natural methods can help. These include maintaining a healthful weight, exercising, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the type most common among American men, according to the...
Many of the lives lost to cancer each year could’ve been saved through earlier detection. Here are four screenings that should be at the top of your list in the new year. Do you know the types of cancer for which you should be getting screened and at …
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Australian researchers on Wednesday said they had developed a quick and easy test to detect cancer from blood or biopsy tissue, pointing to new approaches to patient diagnoses through simple devices like mobile phones. One of the researchers, Dr Abu Sina, said: “The University of Queensland team...
A new survey timed to coincide with Lung Cancer Awareness Month found that only a small minority of people in the UK realize that a persistent cough is a key symptom of lung cancer. In a bid to raise awareness of early symptoms of lung cancer as the …
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Cancer is one of the top killer diseases the world over and this makes it important for everyone to know what to do to reduce their chances of getting the disease. You may be shocked to know that you might have more control over the disease than you think. Take …
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Cancer is one of world’s highest killers whose cure has remained a challenge to medical science. In spite of efforts made by governments and organizations to fight the deadly disease, cancer has continued to ravage the populace. \
The case of Victoria Ogechi Uzoma, from Umuako, Nsirimo …...
Now, the largest clinical trial conducted on these supplements concluded that neither are effective in stopping cancer or heart-related conditions. People commonly take supplements to slow aging and ward off illness, but if you’re banking on vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids to …
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Unfortunately, that's not exactly true: Anywhere from 5 to 15 percent of all people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer are actually nonsmokers, says Rex Chin-Wei Yung, M.D., It’s easy to assume that if you’ve never smoked cigarettes, then you don’t have …
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