healthy living

  1. naija questions

    General Health That Weird Link Between Sense of Smell And Death Risk Continues to Defy Explanation – ScienceAlert

    There’s a strange link between how well we can smell and our risk of death – but despite ongoing efforts, and a lot of overblown media coverage, researchers still can’t figure it out. There are few concepts we humans approach less rationally than death and statistics, and this lately … Read...
  2. naija questions

    General Health The Biology Of Weight Loss –

    If you choose to try to lose weight, make changes that you can live with for the long haul. Shannon Wright for NPR hide caption toggle caption Shannon Wright for NPR If you choose to try to lose weight, make changes that you can live with for the long haul. … Read more via
  3. naija questions

    General Health Don’t Ignore These Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms—If You Have 1 or More, Do See Your Doctor –

    If you’re a woman, there’s a roughly one-in-eight chance that you’ll end up with breast cancer during your lifetime. Therefore, it’s more than worth it to know exactly how to detect your risk—no matter what your symptoms may be. Every year, over 7 million people die from some form of … Read...
  4. naija questions

    General Health 7 Things to Ask Your Doctor About Ovarian Cancer – Woman's day

    This article is sponsored by beBRCAware. Dr. Elizabeth Swisher was not compensated for her participation in this article. Each year, more than 22,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. But since the symptoms can be nonspecific and...
  5. naija questions

    General Health Urine Test Could Help Prevent Cervical Cancer: Study – The Quint

    Urine testing could have a role in the developing world, where cervical cancer is up to 15 times more common and smear testing largely non-existent. Around one in 20 women show abnormal changes which might go on to become cancer and are referred for colposcopy, where the cervix is … Read more...
  6. naija questions

    General Health 10 Common Health Concerns for Men, and How to Respond to Them – Woman’s Day

    ADHD Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), formerly known as attention-deficit disorder (ADD), according to the Child Mind Institute, and it is incredibly common and underdiagnosed in young men. Some of the symptoms of ADHD are trouble concentrating and staying focused...
  7. naija questions

    General Health 6 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After an Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis – Prevention

    Nothing can prepare you for an ovarian cancer diagnosis. Hearing that you have the “Big C” changes your life, and it can be devastating, terrifying, and overwhelming. With so many thoughts racing through your mind, it can be challenging to know what to ask or where to turn. “Once you … Read...
  8. naija questions

    General Health 7 Things to Ask Your Doctor About Ovarian Cancer – Woman’s Day

    This article is sponsored by beBRCAware. Dr. Elizabeth Swisher was not compensated for her participation in this article. Each year, more than 22,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. But since the symptoms can be nonspecific and...
  9. naija questions

    General Health 5 Women Get Real About What It’s Actually Like Having Ovarian Cancer – Prevention

    This year, about 22,530 women will receive a ovarian cancer diagnosis and about 13,980 will die from the disease, according to the American Cancer Society. And while you can find plenty of articles on the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options, there’s no way to prepare for facing ovarian...
  10. naija questions

    General Health Symptoms And Signs Of Chlamydia In Men – Men’s Health – “sexual health” – Google News

    In Australia, there are approximately 260000 Australians currently living with Chlamydia (also known as Chlamydia trachomatis). And with condom use with … Read more via “sexual health” – Google News
  11. naija questions

    Family Health 18 Pieces Of Advice That Couples’ Therapists Actually Swear By – BuzzFeed

    1. "Couples change as they get older." "The best thing my therapist told me and my then-fiance — now husband — was that couples change as they get older. It’s normal to feel like things are changing, but you need to grasp onto the change and learn to love them … Read more via BuzzFeed...
  12. naija questions

    Family Health Why do single women find married men attractive for relationships? – Pulse Nigeria

    More unmarried babes are becoming attracted to married men, and intentionally seeking them out for relationships. Here’s why. Surely it’s not new that , are having sustained romantic relationships and open sexual affairs with younger, single women. However, while it used to feel as though...
  13. naija questions

    General Health Obesity: Study of 2.8 million shows increased disease and death risks – BBC News

    A major new study highlights the scale of the obesity problem in the UK, with a significant risk of death and disease attached to weight gain. People with a body mass index (BMI) of 30-35 were at 70% higher risk of developing heart … Read more via BBC News – Health
  14. naija questions

    General Health 10 Women’s Health Myths We Need to Forget Already – Yahoo news

    It’s amazing that even as adults we often don’t have a grasp on our bodies and our health. Women’s health particularly seems to be shrouded in mystery, with … Read more via “sexual health” – Yahoo News
  15. naija questions

    General Health 8 Things Your Nails Are Trying To Tell You About Your Health – mindbodygreen

    Yellow nails: Often, yellow discoloration is just your nail reacting to a product you’re using, like nail polish or acrylic nails. If you’re all about weekly manicures and nail art, give your nails a breather (experts suggest no more than two manicures a month)—and swap in tea tree oil or …...
  16. naija questions

    General Health How depression affects memory – The Hindu – Health

    Forming a memory of people, places, and events is a dynamic process, and many studies have shown that psychiatric disorders such as depression may affect... Read more via The Hindu – Health
  17. naija questions

    Sexual Health My husband knows I’m sleeping with my boss so now he wants me to be an escort – The Sun

    DEAR DEIDRE: I HAVE been having sex with my boss to pay the bills. My husband knows all about it. My husband knows I’ve been sleeping with my much older boss to get ahead He and I are both 25 and have been together since we were … Read more via The Sun
  18. naija questions

    Sexual Health Everything You Can Do In Your 20s To Maximize Fertility In Your 30s & Beyond – mindbodygreen

    As you likely know, what you eat affects basically every aspect of your health, from your hormones to your inflammation levels to your mood. And cleaning up your diet as early as possible can go a long way toward preventing a variety of health issues that may negatively affect your … Read...
  19. naija questions

    General Health 5 Signs of Chronic Inflammation You Can’t Ignore–Ignore It May Lead to Heart Disease or Cancer –

    Inflammation is the body’s natural survival mechanism that typically indicates that your body is fighting off a disease or repairing damaged tissue. However, if inflammation persists for long periods of time, it may signal a problem in the body. Many serious health conditions are tied to chronic...
  20. naija questions

    Sexual Health Cervix 101: 6 Interesting Things Everyone Should Know About the Cervix – brides

    The cervix is a truly miraculous piece of female anatomy. Unfortunately as of late, when we see the word “cervix” it is often associated with HPV and/or cervical cancer. And while it is definitely an important topic, so is knowing the basics about your sexual anatomy and everything it does. …...