Masturbation helps you learn what you like sexually, plus, it just feels good.
But did you know that masturbation can help your mental health, too.....
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Depression is one of the most common mental health illnesses in the United States, affecting about 26 percent of adults.
Depression is technically a mental disorder, but it also affects your physical health and well-being. Learn more about some of the most common symptoms of depression, as...
Even our parents now, who are typically cagey with things like this, have begun sharing broadcast messages on WhatsApp about mental health.
You know that with such development, the matter’s gotten to a head. We’re slowly but steadily stripping the stigma attached to mental health. You could...
You may think you’re a quick learner, but Scott H. Young sets the bar. He learned MIT’s four-year computer science curriculum in less than 12 months, and four languages in a year, both of which he writes about on his blog.
While acquiring knowledge of this magnitude feels seemingly impossible...
It’s hard to avoid comparing yourself to others. We all do it from time to time — at work, at school, with friends, on social media.
But this act of constantly evaluating how you measure up can have a big impact on your mental health and how you see yourself...
Read more via Healthline...
There are so many things that contribute to your mental health and total well-being and caring about these things is very important.
The way you care …
Read more via The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News
When it comes to your health, you probably put things like weight, mental health and blood pressure at the top of your ‘to manage’ list, but what about …
Read more via Now To Love
Teenagers who engage in sexting are more likely to have mental healthissues and multiple sexual partners compared to those who don’t, a new study suggests.
The analysis of 23 studies comprising of 41,723 participants younger than....
Read more via “sexual health” – Google News...
Do you have a friend who’s living with depression? You’re not alone. According to the most recent estimates from the National Institute of Mental Health, just over 7 percent of all U.S. adults experienced an episode of major depression in 2017.
Worldwide, over 300 million adults and …
Depression is not just sadness. Depression is the inability to do even the most basic ordinary day-to-day activities. The inability to get out of bed. The inability to leave the house. Finding it painful to partake in everyday routines. Depressed is to feel betrayed by your own body. What is...
Can’t find your car keys? Forget your grocery list? Can’t remember the name of the personal trainer you liked at the gym? You’re not alone. Everyone forgets things occasionally. Still, memory loss is nothing to take lightly. Although there are no guarantees when it comes to preventing memory...
There is no doubt that the advent of social media has brought it with many welcomed and some not so welcomed developments. Social media platforms have revolutionised the way we stay in touch with each other and it has become an integral …
Read more via The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and...
A survey of thousands of people suggests that mystical experiences positively affect a person’s mental health, regardless of whether they are naturally occurring or a result of psychedelic drugs.
New research suggests that having deep religious experiences may significantly improve people’s...
Forming a memory of people, places, and events is a dynamic process, and many studies have shown that psychiatric disorders such as depression may affect...
Read more via The Hindu – Health
Social psychologist Keith Payne says we have a bias toward comparing ourselves to people who have more than us, rather than those who have less...
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Italian scientists have found evidence that a daily dose of cocoa acts as a dietary supplement to counteract different types of cognitive decline.
Back in 2017, the team found that regularly eating cocoa was linked to improvements in working memory and visual information processing and cocoa...
While the signs and symptoms of different mental illnesses can be tricky to spot, it helps to consider how they might show up in the form of certain daily habits. By knowing what to look for, it can be easier to see these habits for what they really are, and …
Read more via Bustle...
Perhaps one of the most compelling, and little understood, areas of gut microbiome science is the strange relationship between gut bacteria and mental health.
Researchers are rapidly uncovering new insights into the gut-brain connection, discovering potential microbiome influences...
These days, we’re more connected than ever—you can FaceTime with your husband during his business trip abroad or plan a vacation with friends around the country via iMessage. Still, nearly half of Americans report feeling lonely nearly all of the time, according to a 2018 survey of 20,000 people...
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