Metro Akuoma Joshua: The Boko Christians - DailyPost


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In the early hours of the first Tuesday of the year, the 7th of January to be precise, some Christians stormed some shrines located in the Umaji community in Enugu state. In the heat of their crusade, the Christians, known by the title “The Indigenous Christians of Umuaji” wrecked havoc in the place of worship. They trespassed the land, destroyed valuable items and burnt down the shrines. Yet what was their excuse for this? No the traditional worshippers hadn’t kidnapped their children and sacrificed them, no they hadn’t gone around destroying farms, burning homes, or causing any sort of trouble to anyone’s means of livelihood. What had they done then? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The shrines were burnt all due to a ridiculous wild claim that they were somehow hindering the progress of the community.

This is not the first time Christian zealots are being accused of destroying African traditional religious shrines and artifacts, it happens
everyday. In crusades and conventions, Christians continually make it an enduring mission to destroy traditional religious shrines and relics. For example in Imo state, a sect of Christians called “The United Congress of Mbaise Christians” purportedly destroyed a 100 shrines and were even boasting about their acts, promising to destroy more. The unfortunate thing is due to the level of development in the country, these cases are hardly reported or investigated.

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Source: Daily Post


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