Business Fuel Scarcity: See Current Fuel Prices In Different Part Of Nigeria



Most people in Nigeria now buy petrol way above the normal N86.50 price. They now buy as high a N150, waiting for hours in long queues under harsh weather conditions.

According to a survey conducted by PUNCH Newspaper, here are prices of fuel at some filling stations across Nigeria

Ogun state - N120-150/Ltr

Rivers State – Above N150/ltr

Lokoja, Kogi State capital – N170

Ikare, Ondo – N150

Ajah, lekki Axis in lagos – N86.50/ltr

Niger state - N180

According to the survey, only 11.2 percent of our respondents get petrol at N86.50. A mere 1.1 percent buy at N100, while 11.5 percent buy at N130. The highest number of people (27.9 percent) buys the commodity at N140 while the remaining 25.4 percent buy above N140.


Nigerians who responded to our survey on how much petrol costs in their area also indicated that while the “new generation or small” fuel stations are more guilty of selling above the normal price, the “big multinationals” sell at normal price but have longer queues.

Tell us the situation in your own area?


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