Politics NBA President Calls on Presidency to Make Nigerian Judiciary Financially Independent



The President, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Chief Okey Wali, on Wednesday in Abuja called on the Federal Government to ensure compliance with the constitutional provisions for an independent and self-accounting Nigerian judiciary.

He said the issue of poor funding of the judiciary had come to the front burners over the years now, especially following the 2014 budget to the National Assembly.

Wali said the judiciary had suffered dwindling budgetary allocations in the last four years in spite of the fact that the Bar and Bench had repeatedly cried out against it.

``The earlier the federal and state governments appreciated that the judiciary was pivotal to the well-being of this country, the better for all of us.

``There is no ego tripping, law and order and the economy of this country revolve around the judiciary.

``Fix your judiciary and inspire confidence in foreign investors who will tumble in, in droves,’’ he said.

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