Pastors, Imams, and How Their Counsellings Destroy Marriages in Nigeria



It is saddening when a couple who have dated for a long period of time suddenly decides to call their relationship quits. You begin to wonder what happened to the beautiful couple you have always admired. The reason for the sudden split up is not difficult to ascertain. When you ask the jilted one of the couple what went wrong, what you hear most of the time is,’’ his or her cleric was told by God that I am not the right person’’.

This trend is particularly common among the females, and leaves one wondering why the cleric did not ask God at the beginning of the couples’ relationship if they were suited for each other or not.

For those who have experienced heartbreaks or are currently undergoing such, you find it difficult to understand the rationales behind such prophesy. You begin to wonder why a solid relationship of many years suddenly folds up like a pack of cards.

According to The Oxford Dictionary, a cleric is defined as a priest or religious leader, especially a Christian or Muslim one. Clerics are seen as intermediaries between God and man.
Nigerians are a very spiritual people. When we have the slightest of problems, we immediately turn to God. We even pray to God during elections and football matches, asking Him to let the results be in our favour. For people who cannot pray or fast, they ask their clerics to do so on their behalf.

Do not get me wrong; clerics are not bad people. In actual fact, the advantages of consulting one’s cleric over spiritual matters far outweigh the disadvantages. If for instance, your cleric warns you not to embark on a journey, there’s a 99.9% probability that your cleric is absolutely right. Failure to comply with such warning might result to serious injuries, or even death.

We consult our clerics on so many matters ranging from financial prosperity to child bearing, dream interpretation, promotion, friendship, travelling abroad, procurement of visas, relationships/ marriages.

Back to relationships, a good marriage can determine how far one will go in determines whether you will fail or succeed. Marriage is not a place to jokingly and blindly walk into. It requires a lot of commitment, dedication, trust and perseverance.
Due to this, one has to be very careful in choosing the BETTER one, because, the next worst thing after hell is a bad marriage. A cleric should not solely determine who one’s life partner will be, even if it’s based on revelations. Taking peoples pictures and names to your cleric isn’t going to guarantee you a better spouse. A cleric is limited because he is human, just like you are.

His revelations might be right or wrong. Atimes, all we require is to apply some common sense and not swallow such prophesies hook, line and sinker. You and not your cleric, gets to live with the wrong spouse if his predictions are wrong. And that is why it is good to court or date. Courting lets you know more about the other person. It’s an opportunity to research about your potential spouse.

God has left it entirely to us to choose our spouse. He has given us wisdom and liberty to make that choice. A pastor or spiritually gifted brethren can pray along with you if you wish, but the ultimate decision is yours to make.

Finally, whether prophesies are true or false, the success and survival of any relationship depends on hard work, trust, faith and sincerity of the couples, coupled with the determination to make that marriage or relationship work.


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