Joseph Aloba, father of late Nigerian singer Mohbad, urges the police to summon his son Adura and daughter-in-law Omowunmi for questioning regarding Mohbad’s suspicious death. The call follows claims that Adura may have crucial information about the tragic incident that has shocked the nation...
In a viral clip, Mohbad's father alleges the singer rejected his late son's child, prompting calls for a DNA test. Wunmi, the mother, refuses a DNA test, insisting only her late husband could request it. The dispute intensifies over the paternity of Liam amidst growing controversy and family...
The House of Representatives has issued summons to Azeez Fashola, popularly known as Naira Marley, in an effort to address compensation and royalties related to the late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, also known as Mohbad, who recently passed away in controversial circumstances. The House's Committee...
In a recent coroner's court proceeding, Joseph Aloba, the father of the late singer Mohbad, revealed shocking details about his son's troubled marriage and untimely demise. Joseph Aloba testified that his son's wife, Wunmi, had an affair with another artist signed to the Marlian record label. He...
Joseph Aloba, the father of the late singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, known as Mohbad, insists on a paternity test to determine his grandson's true lineage, stating that they don't accept "bastards" in their community. This demand comes amid an ongoing debate regarding the need for a DNA test in the...
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