In a riveting three-part expose titled "Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua," the British Broadcasting Corporation's Africa Eye has unearthed a trove of disturbing allegations against the late televangelist, Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua (TB Joshua). The extensive 150-minute video, published on...
In a groundbreaking investigative report, the BBC, in collaboration with international media platform Open Democracy, has uncovered a distressing pattern of abuse and torture within the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), led by the late televangelist TB Joshua.
The two-year investigation...
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is set to air a compelling 3-part investigative documentary uncovering alleged atrocities and sexual crimes committed by Church Leaders and members. Scheduled for release on January 8, the documentary features interviews with over 30 former members and...
Founder and Senior pastor of Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, SCOAN, Temitope Balogun Joshua widely known as Prophet T.B. Joshua on Thursday donated N12 million to the second batch of Nigerian returnees fleeing from xenophobic attacks in South Africa.
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church of all nations
founder and senior pastor of synagogue
nigeria metro news 200919
tb joshua
temitope balogun joshua
xenophobia in south africa
On his ministry's Facebook profile, the General Overseer of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations wrote..
The cause of poverty and hardship is because we have not been giving to help others. We keep our possessions and save our money. We say there is not money but money is everywhere. The cause...
Prophet T.B Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN said those who hate on him are his advertisers.
Addressing his congregation in Lagos, he said, "God has given us adverts. Every living ministry has free adverts. What you say about me is an advert to me. If you leave here today...
naija news
nigeria news
prophet t.b joshua
synagogue church of all nations
An Abuja-based politician, Ambassador Raphael Horsfall has made surprising revelations about the role allegedly played by Prophet T.B. Joshua in the historic presidential elections held almost one year ago in Nigeria that saw a peaceful transition of power.
Speaking before a packed congregation...
goodluck jonathan
raphael horsfall
tb joshua
Prophet TB Joshua, founder of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN) has donated the sum of N5million to Mr. Sunday Udoh, whose wife was shot dead by Police in Lagos State last year, according to a post on the church’s Facebook page.
Prophet T.B. Joshua counselled Mr. Udoh that he should...
Controversial Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) has been named as the 2015 ‘Yoruba Man Of The Year’ by the ‘Egbe Omo Oodua Parapo’, a coalition of 35 Pan-Yoruba groups drawn from across the world.
“We give this award to Pastor Joshua out of over 500...
The founder of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Temitope Joshua and the engineers were absent in court on Monday at the start of the trial over the collapse of a refurbished six-storey building inside his church premises in 2014.
The building collapse killed 116 people, mostly South...
Nigeria - Pastor TB Josha has purchased a private jet - and it's the most expensive one (at least among those owned by Nigerian pastors).
According to Sahara Reporters, the leader of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), took possession of the nearly brand-new Gulfstream G550 aircraft...
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